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Helena Choral Week 2023 - June 19-24

Lunchtime Concerts

St. Peter’s Episcopal Cathedral at 12:15 PM

Monday “Russian Romances” with soprano June Lee and Gerald Schafer, piano

Tuesday – “Delight of the Soul: Sacred Arias by Bach and Elgar” with contralto Anne Kania and baritone Bobb Robinson, June Lee, piano

Wednesday “American Sacred Songs” with tenor Thomas A. Gregg and Wendy Yuen, organ

Thursday “Harmony of the Voices: Vocal Ensembles from Great Choral Works” including soprano Robin Pennington,

mezzo soprano Kathy Bramer, contralto Anne Kania and baritone Bobb Robinson, with June Lee, piano

Friday “Songs My Students Taught Me” with baritone Chas Elliott, and June Lee, piano

Grand Finale Concert Program

8 PM Saturday, June 24, at St. Mary’s Catholic Community

Rejoice in the Lamb -- Benjamin Britten (1913 - 1976)

Robin Pennington, soprano

Anne Kania, contralto

Thomas A. Gregg, tenor

Bobb Robinson, baritone

Wendy Yuen, organ

Ode à la Musique -- Frank Martin (1890 - 1974)

Bobb Robinson, baritone

June Lee, piano

Alexandria Suite -- Russell Woollen (1923 - 1994)

1. Lines in Christ Church Graveyard

2. Choral Recit.: Suggestion to a Wolfe St. Neighbor

 3. Urban Renewal

4. August Blizzard (Lullaby)

5. Assault of Roses (Scherzo)

 6. Song for a Walk at Night in Winter

7. Fruit Store

8. Epilogue: Graveyard, Old Presbyterian Meeting House

On Sunday morning, the group will also be singing for the 10:15 liturgy at St. Peter’s Episcopal Cathedral.

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Musikanten Celebrates Russell Woollen

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A concert performed by the Musikanten choir and orchestra celebrating the music of American keyboard artist and composer Russell Woollen (1923-1994). They perform several short pieces and finish with a performance of the Alexandria Suite, a setting of poems about Old Town Alexandria.

Chorus and Chamber Orchestra

Kerry Krebill, conductor

Amanda Balestrieri, soprano

Thomas A. Gregg, tenor

Wendy Yuen, organ

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19th Montana Early Music Festival — 
A Spanish Epiphany Celebration

Welcome the Three Wise Men (Tres Reyes) in glorious Spanish style! Musikanten Montana is excited to present Francisc Valls’ “Missa Scala Aretina,” written in 1702 for the Cathedral of Barcelona, where the Spanish composer was assistant organist.  Expanding the Mass, which is exuberantly scored for four choirs of singers, instruments and continuo, the concert will include motets and instrumental works of Victoria, Morales, Guerrero and other Spanish Renaissance and Early Baroque composers, as well as the Propers and scriptures for the Feast Day, all to re-create a festive Catalan Celebration of the Epiphany.



Amanda Balestrieri, soprano

Marjorie Bunday, alto

Dan Hutchings, tenor

Art Bumgardner, baritone


Carrie Krause, concertmaster

Davina Clarke, violin
Forgotten ClefsRenaissance W
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Adaiha MacAdam-Somer, cello

Mark Bergman, bass

Billy Simms, theorbo

Wendy Yuen, organ


Thursday, January 19 at 7:30 pm - Holy Rosary Parish, 220 W. Main, Bozeman

Friday, January 20 at 7:30 pm -  Immaculate Conception Parish, Western Ave. and Caldonia St., Butte

Saturday, January 21 at 7:30 pm - St. Mary Catholic Community, 1700 Missoula Ave., Helena

MEMF Chamber Music Concert

featuring Forgotten Clefs, the Krause-Clarke duo, Billy Simms on theorbo

St. Peter’s Episcopal Cathedral - 511 N. Park, Helena, MT

Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 4 PM

$30 donation at the door

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Musikanten Montana
Memorial Concert for All Souls

Bach Cantata BWV 150
Biber Requiem 
in F minor


Kerry Krebill, conductor
Evanne Browne, soprano
Amanda Balestrieri, soprano
Anne Kania, contralto
Thomas Gregg, tenor
Bobb Robinso
n, baritone
Elisa Wicks, violin

 Brune Macary, violin
Cyrus Roat, bassoon
Adaiha MacAdam-Somer, cello
Dr. Wendy Yuen, organ

St. Peter's Episcopal Cathedral

7:30 PM - Tuesday, November 1


Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church

7:30 PM - Wednesday, November 2

Suggested donation $25 at the door

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© 2023 by Musikanten Montana

 Website created by Sarah Stone

Photo credits: Carol Jobusch

and Jeff Van Tine

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